GACHA Machine


  • The GACHA-machine feature is the only current feature where you can attain Narwhalswap’s NFTs (Phase 1).

  • The GACHA-machine will offer randomised chances to attain a random NFT of any type and grade.

  • You will need to purchase an attempt by using $GOLD. This transaction is a purchase transaction, meaning the $GOLD tokens used are burned upon each GACHA-machine attempt.

  • Each GACHA-machine attempt will scale the purchase cost by a multiplier of 2. - Example: first attempt costs 10 $GOLD, second attempt costs 20 $GOLD, third attempt costs 40 $GOLD, forth attempt costs 80 $GOLD, so on and so forth. - Everyday at 12AM UTC, this attempt price is reset back to 10 $GOLD token and starts scaling up per attempt again.

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